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Snr. Business Development Manager

Education & Qualifications

Masters of Business Administrations / Marketing

Work Experience

I am a seasoned media sales professional with 12 years of diverse experience across key domains such as print, out-of-home (OOH), programmatic and digital sales. My background consists of successful campaign planning and execution using strategic negotiation and digital tools for revenue growth. My extensive experience equips me with a deep understanding of the dynamic media landscape, with a knack for effectively engaging target audiences and delivering a strong return on investment.

Skills & Expertise

Reza (AKA Bob) joined The Thaiger in 2021 with a wealth of experience in selling media in Thailand for the past decade.

Media Sales
Programmatic Ads
Digital Marketing
Web Technology


Previous awards won have all centered around selling at volume.


Salesperson of the Year

Thaiger salesperson of the year in 2021 with over 10m THB sold.

Salesperson of the Year

Second year in a row winning this award at Thaiger, this time achieving over 13m THB of media sales.

Best New Product Launch

Recognised for successfully launching a new product that generated 18% of the company's revenue in its first quarter (Q2 2022).

Mentor of the Year

Honoured for dedication to the professional development of junior team members (2021).