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seo crawling

How to improve crawling efficiency in SEO

In the fast-moving world of SEO, it’s super important to make sure search engines can easily crawl your website to boost its visibility and performance. Making the crawling process smoother can help with getting your site indexed better, which in turn bumps up your search engine rankings. But how do…
introduce google gemini

Features and benefits of digital market with Google Gemini

In today’s super-speed digital world, staying ahead of the game means using the latest tech. Say hello to Google Gemini, a nifty tool that fits right into Google Workspace to ramp up your productivity. Whether you are whipping up emails in Gmail, crafting documents in Google Docs, or putting together…
AI impacts on marketing

How AI impacts digital marketing

In today’s digital world, staying ahead in marketing means you need to keep up with the latest tech gizmos. Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t just that elusive Bigfoot anymore—it’s now the superhero in the digital marketing comic strip. By taking over mundane chore lists and turning into Sherlock Holmes on steroids…
ChatGPT Bard

ChatGPT versus Bard for creating content

Artificial Intelligence (AI) content writing has taken the digital world by storm, offering innovative solutions for businesses looking to streamline their content creation processes. While traditional writing is undeniably pivotal, adopting these AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Bard, has unarguably accelerated efficiencies in producing SEO-optimised content. ChatGPT versus Bard…