Tips to increase page followers on Instagram

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Tips to increase page followers on Instagram

Instagram is a place where having a large following can lead to direct income opportunities. Brands often seek to partner with users having large number of following because they can influence and reach many potential customers. It is beneficial for anyone trying to set up their business online, become more visible, or simply just tell more people about their experiences. Knowing the correct strategies and mechanisms is important to increase the followers for an Instagram page, Here are some tips and techniques all can follow to just see the results in a shorter time span.

Understanding Instagram algorithm

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

Instagram algorithm is designed to deliver the content that users will find the most engaging and relevant. It constantly learns from user behavior to tailor the feed according to an individual’s preferences. Its algorithm today has certain characteristics that shape how content is distributed and seen by users on the platform including

Engagement – more the likes, comments, shares, and saves to your posts, the more likely it is to be seen by others.

Timeliness – Instagram wants to show its users fresh and relevant content so it is better to post when most of your followers are online and active so that it can reach to maximum audience

Relationships with users matter – Instagram also pays attention to how you interact with your audience and how close the relationship is. This means that when you regularly like and comment on someone’s posts, or when they interact with yours, both of your contents are more likely to show up in each other’s feeds.

Profile Searches or Direct Shares – If a user searches for your profile and interacts with your content or shares your posts through direct messages, the algorithm takes this as a signal. It understands that the user wants to see more from you, so it may show your content more often in that feed.

Creating quality content

Photo by on Unsplash

Creating quality content is the topmost need for an Instagram page to stand out. It can help you reach maximum followers along with a recognition in the society. It is said that quality is always greater than quantity. In this scenario to generate the quantity of followers quality is first an important aspect. To create good quality content there are a few key points that should be always kept in mind. We should always focus on

Eye-Catching Visuals – Instagram is all about posting and posting whether it can be images or videos, While posting it is important to keep in mind the quality of the images used or videos posted, It should be of higher resolution with great and appealing visuals.

Should have a storyline – Including a good storyline can generate an audience, To divert the traffic to your page you must come up with a relevant story to share, Including touchy topics, knowledgeable and practical ones also depending on the niche you have chosen for the page.

It is better to post less frequently and focus on exceptional content than to post all the time and sacrifice quality. Engage with your followers, stay true to your brand, and keep pushing the boundaries of creativity.

Creating reels: An exceptional approach

Photo by Luke van Zyl on Unsplash

Instagram itself comes up with both attractive and interactive features, which seemingly make your journey to increase followers easy. One of the exceptional approaches includes reels. So reel is a short video ranging from 15 seconds to 90 seconds depending on your requirements. It is an easier way to exchange the ideas among audience in an understandable manner. The reasons people create reels are it is quick and engaging, format fits perfectly with the quick-scrolling nature of social media, allowing you to grab attention rapidly.

However, While selecting the reel content there are a few key things to be kept in mind

Follow the trend – Reels often revolve around trending sounds, hashtags, and viral challenges, which are a magnet for engagement. By participating in these trends, you can increase your visibility. Followers love to see their favorite accounts take on the latest trends, and they are likely to engage with content that is current and relatable.

Choice of music – Your choice of music decides 70 percent of the fact how likely your content is going to get viral, So choosing the right music is a must. Check for the tending sounds, It is noticed that the sound is a great way to increase the watch time of any reel. So, It is advised to do good research before adding sound to your reels, It can be pleasant, soothing, lovable, romantic or it can just be party music,EDM’s etc depending on the content.

Last but not least always remember patience and consistency is the key. Give it some time and your page will just explode with organic followers.